Why back pain rib pain: one or both sides

Which ribs are among the most common back pain symptoms in a wide range of diseases. Pain often aggravated the difficulties in the diagnosis of possible spread hypochondrium back and vice versa.

A similar phenomenon of irradiation close to the organs of the upper abdomen cause pain anatomical and functional communication and lower chest.

sore back ribs

The pain body areas deployment ensuite bathroom (mutual pain) that represents a concept that can be explained by a spinal segment spinal segment innervating the skin by.


Back pain due to pathological processes that may be emitted and vice versa hypochondrium-side languages, systems and organs:

  • digestion: the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, slim, or large intestine, stomach,;
  • cardiovascular system: heart, great vessels, etc.;
  • Nov-skeletal: Nov the front wall, abdominal, and back muscles, ribs, spine;
  • nerve: spinal nerve roots and trunks of the Plexus;
  • urine – kidney;
  • immune system: the spleen.
  • Pathology under the left rib

    Disease of the spleen

    The most common disease in the spleen, characterize, back pain, upper quadrant, following is a list of ten that does justice.

    Splenic infarction: splenic artery acute obstruction of blood flow occurs in violation of the body Lumen branches, a blood clot or embolus. The cause treatment for a heart attack typically include the following: systemic atherosclerosis, heart rhythm disorders, and autoimmune diseases and hematological malignancies, trauma, liver cirrhosis, etc.

    Clinical symptoms vary with the affected vessel caliber. Usually, the patient complaints of sharp pain in left back emitted does not a suitable half-belly, chest.

    In addition, the patient has uncomfortable symptoms of fatigue, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting. From time to time, in this case there may not be closing no symptoms of the segmental artery.

    Benign or malignant tumors. Ten asymptomatic for a long time.

    Important! Pain whining, stupid character, after germination participated in the abdomen, back or left, tumor capsule covering the spleen. The patient's loss of appetite disturbed, asymmetry, abdomen, weight loss, etc.

    Abscesses, spleen. As a result, infection, tissue, spleen, and lymph or blood vessels. Characterized by a dull pain in the left upper quadrant a sprawling backpack or shoulder (can increase movement), fever with chills.

    Splenic cyst: a parasite (hydatid disease, alveococcosis) and parasitica. Last May congenital or acquired (trauma). Larger sizes will manifest in pain in the left upper quadrant of the ledge and the left half is black.


    pain, ribs, back causes

    Angina pectoris. In a typical case, or chest, chest pain was triggered by physical or emotional representation localized on the left half seconds it takes between several minutes and a fixed rest or intake of nitroglycerine burden.

    That is a special sign under irradiation pain, shoulder blade, arm and jaw on the left side. Flows often enough atypical angina pectoris: the patient uncomfortable pain, back or left upper quadrant of the abdomen of the span (peripheral angina pectoris safe). Pain can be oppressive, the storm hammer, puncture, cut, whiny character.

    Myocardial infarction – case, may cause death of a patient.

    Pain pain similar to angina, acute myocardial infarction, but with a different density expression and lack of effect of nitroglycerin.

    Bottom wall myocardial myocardial localized pain, upper abdominal and back them (The Shape of the abdomen).

    Other heart disease. Pericarditis, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis is seen in very rare and exceptional cases that may accompany the pain in the upper quadrant on the left half of the back spans.


    Pancreatitis – acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas leading to a bug that causes diet and alcohol abuse, jelchnokamenna disease.

    The most brilliant spread of acute pancreatitis severe upper abdominal pain or symptoms in the left upper quadrant, back and under the shoulder blade. It can be so intense, it brings the patient is the only narcotic analgesics and pinned the painful punishment.

    Also bothering the patient with nausea, persistent vomiting, disorders, chair, temperature rise, in severe cases, hemorrhagic rashes in the body.

    Attention! Remission chronic pancreatitis are asymptomatic. An exacerbation of acute pancreatitis symptoms.

    Neurological diseases

    Upper quadrant back pain radiating Sterno common in degenerative disc disease-lumbar spine peripheral nervous system pathology. An osteochondrosis pain may be paroxysmal or permanent.

    Most often they wear the shooting, spastic, and a reinforced air drilling motion. Pressure pain provoked attack somewhere painful exit of a nerve root trigger points can be achieved with the approximate backbone.

    Neuralgia a searing pain increases the body and change the position of the character is pressed and powerful.

    A neurological disease, the patient's disturbed sensory disorders (crawling, shivering, discounted a separate species sensitivity) and motor defects (difficulty with movement).

    What provokes discomfort on the right side of

    Liver failure

    A condition called acute or chronic liver failure, liver metabolism enough to protect the cells, it is not possible for several reasons:

  • toxic damage (alcohol, medicinal drugs, fertilizers, etc.);
  • liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis, infectious diseases, tumors, portal vein thrombosis);
  • other organs the digestive system the disease (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, tumor);
  • other organs and systems the disease (Rheumatology, infection, cardiac).
  • Most often, liver failure, cirrhosis of the liver developing of different origin (viral, alcohol). In this case, a typical idiot for patients, arch pain or heaviness in the right hypochondrium is emitted back.

    Time align decompensated liver failure edema, ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity), bleeding tendency, the smell of ammonia, the mouth zeltusnost ' skin, brain damage (Amendment speech, confusion, coordination disorder, etc.)


    pain, ribs, back, left

    Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) is the result of its infection. A characteristic symptom of the pain, its right to grant a right rib back.

    The pain can vary in intensity: weak nagging paroxysmal as strong. In addition, the patient uncomfortable, nausea, vomiting, the taste of bile dry, fire, color of the feces and urine (with violation, bile).

    Acute cholecystitis the cause is usually violated in the diet.

    The head of the pancreas cancer of

    60-70% of breast cancer patients exact the head of the pancreas. Leading symptoms: pain, jaundice and weight loss.

    Help. The pain is localized right upper quadrant or epigastric area or the spine and may interscapu.

    Usually wears a belt that stupid or oppressive weather (sometimes acute) developed by after violation of diet, in supine position, at night. During germination, will increase the intensity of solar plexus pain, and he wins the herpes character.

    Jaundice, weight loss, itching, dark urine, and occur because the bile ducts tumor on the left compartment of enlightenment.

    Jelchnokamenna disease

    Who suffer from gallstone disease are most commonly middle-aged woman with overweight.

    Typical symptoms of gallstone disease – acute pain that appears right after a meal, make sure that rich (oily, fried, smoked).

    He emits, May, under the right scapula and interscapu area.

    Together, they celebrated the pain of patient with nausea, vomiting, fever, weakness.

    Wears outside of acute pain, moderate weather or may be missing.


    Inflamed appendicitis is the most common emergency surgical pathology. Appendicitis abdominal pain, usually localized at the bottom.

    However, appendicitis occurs in a high position, with the proliferation of the right hypochondrium, right half back and feign an attack of cholecystitis. In this case pain is varied:

      nagging, belt stabbing, mat, etc.

    As a rule, disturbing the patient nausea, vomiting, a time, a moderately increased body temperature.

    Why mutual pain on both sides


    This decrease is accompanied by a degenerative spine thickness of the intervertebral discs, the excessive growth of the bone and the offset of the vertebrae.

    Pressure on spinal nerves caused by the factors listed, self-pain syndrome.

    Important! The pain usually wears an advanced the floating Air Act, a mandatory position. Usually that accompanies numbness, tingling, and burning in the affected area.

    Stomach diseases

    In this case a periodic twinge usually localized epigastric, but to give one's participation in the field or in the back on each side of the rear wall interscapu.

    He may occur immediately, or one hour for a meal (ulcer) or uncomfortable, most of the time sick (stomach cancer).

    Other alarm symptoms include:

      nausea, heartburn, loss of appetite, reduction of body weight, etc.
    pain, ribs, back, two sides

    The most common diseases of the stomach, accompanied by pain with the proliferation of the tread include:- stomach ulcers - gastritis;- stomach cancer.

    Intestinal pathology

    Usually, the characteristic of abdominal pain radiating to back:

      duodenal ulcer, Crohn's disease, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, lesion, tumor, etc.

    Diseases of the colon or small intestine and the pain related to food intake.

    She usually wears nagging and rarely high density of reaches.

    That can be localized to various abdominal and back.

    Mutual pain diagnostic difficulty

    Diagnosis, localization and other body parts without pain or spread a net represents a difficult clinical task. The reason for this is the large, functional ties with a neighboring organ.

    Has the character necessary for differential diagnosis pain (acute, dull, aching, stinging), continuity, causes and time of occurrence. I have final exams to spend the specified features provide a particular suspicious pathology.

    The correct treatment approach and methods

    Mutual pain is a compelling reason to consult your doctor for advice. In the case of the mutual pain treatment moved after you have established the final diagnosis with laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods.

    Attention! In some cases, conservative treatment will be effective (for low back pain, gastritis, gastric ulcer), you may need another surgery (malignant tumor, jelchnokamenna disease, appendicitis).

    Which doctor

    Finding a therapist who is a primary pain syndrome diagnosis and causes. After treatment the patient may refer to a specialist consultation or diagnosis.

    Pathology of the digestive system, exercises, treatment, a gastroenterologist, an osteochondrosis neuralgia – neurologist, oncologist, cancer. If necessary (appendicitis, cholecystitis), surgeon help.


    With the proliferation of back pain upper quadrant (or vice versa) dating on your stay in a wide clinical diversity and an extensive list of diseases of the gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular and nervous system. His information the suspect provides features specific pathology, the quality of a diagnostic search and assign adequate treatment.